Sep 8, 2011

The memories that mold us.

Looking life has been filled with and surrounded by love (and still is). You know those stories that are told over and over again when you get together with family? These memories and experiences have shaped who I am today so I thought I'd share some of my favorite past time stories on a little trip down memory lane. People who know my family and have watched me growing up will probably enjoy this post more than others...but in case you aren't one of those people, I think you might chuckle at least keep reading...and I'll try not to disappoint.

Spending the majority of my childhood on a farm, I had my fair share of pleasant and not so pleasant encounters with nature. From climbing trees and four-wheeling around the farm to being bitten on the bottom by a goose (decide for yourself which one is the most unpleasant) I had a lot of fun growing up! By the way, do you know how fast dog ears can flop up and down when you're being chased by a squawking bird? Who knew a goose could be so hostile? I've also learned some valuable lessons that haven't really been all that applicable in my adult life (so far). For example: putting a kitten in a bucket and putting the bucket on your head; I would not recommend doing this with a bucket that has a gets caught under your chin and you can't get the bucket off! And let's just say I can probably teach you to get down from a roof faster than you can say, "Nana's getting a for your lives!!"

Growing up with a brother five years older than me, probably landed me with more bumps and bruises than those with younger siblings. It's amazing how, as quick as a flash, a regular day can turn downhill; I would guess in the amount of time it takes one to get body slammed while practicing wrestling moves. These days, I often forget that I'm not as resilient as I once when it comes to playing flag football. Correction:  when it CAME to playing flag football.

My childhood aided in choosing my career path as well. There were really only two options I had to decide between once I got to college.  Because my cousin made a better student, than Teddy Ruxpin did a patient...teaching was the obvious choice!

Having a portion of my family originate from England, I've learned what good chocolate tastes like. I've also learned that there are many places to hide said chocolate. It's this experience that taught me I should not grow up to be a detective.

While these stories are based around my family, I can't leave out the many sleepovers, karaoke to spice girls, and dancing the macarena on chairs I experienced with my friends. These adventures are what taught me I'd never be a performer! I have the best friends that would do anything at the drop of a hat, they care about my happiness and love me for who I am despite all the teased bangs and stirrup pants we've been through.

While these are some of my most notable events, I know that there are many in the world who could only dream of precious memories such as these. I pray that each and every one of us holds something of our past in our hearts that we can look back on and smile.

Until next time...

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