Jan 16, 2013

With baby...comes change (the sequel)

Wow! You can never expect the changes that come with having a baby. My life is absolutely, completely different now that Cora is here. What a blessing she is to our lives and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world! Now that I'm a mom...

I no longer eat, sleep, use the bathroom, bathe, leave the house, etc. when I want.

I use my feet and toes to pick up things.

I consistently worry that I might squeeze my daughter to death because she's so stinkin' cute!!

Leaving the house requires much effort and planning.

I have far too many conversations about poop.

My phone memory is filling up because I think everything she does needs to be captured via photo.

I'm that crazy mom who posts constant videos and pictures of her kid on social media...because obviously everyone else thinks she's just as adorable as me.

My house always has something that needs to be cleaned because I'd rather cuddle and love on my baby while she'll let me.

The laundry basket is never empty.

I've got these things called claws...and they come out if anyone comes close to crossing a boundary that has to do with my daughter.

I worry that I won't always be able to protect her.

and last but not least....
My heart lives outside my body and holds more love than I ever thought possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea! My name is Heather and I was hoping you could answer a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail.com :-)
