May 23, 2012

With baby...comes change!!

I've written a couple of different posts about my pregnancy but nothing actually related to pregnancy I thought I might write a little bit about the changes I've noticed in carrying a sweet little peanut.

Sickness...not so much. I'm not a puker...and other people will say they aren't either...but I really mean it. The last time I was sick like that was when I was a little girl, like 8 or so years old. I don't really have a weak stomach so maybe that's why I didn't have worse case scenario like some of my preggo buddies. I did experience some nightly nausea after dinner for a few weeks but nothing some lounging on the couch and some ginger ale couldn't cure! I've been extremely grateful for any symptom or lack of symptom. For two years, I said that the day I puked as a symptom of pregnancy I would jump for joy and praise Jesus! I've done a lot of jumping for joy (well more like bouncing because I have this fear that she'll fall out if I jump...or run) and a lot of praising Jesus...but no puking! Morning sickness was something that I envied of other pregnant women. I know you might think that's crazy, but baby hunger will make you feel some crazy things!

Fatigue...I guess? I feel like I've always been tired. But that's a work hazard I signed up for when spending your days with little ones! Maybe I'm a little more tired, because I don't sleep worth a darn. My mom says it's my body's way of preparing me for being up every two hours when our precious baby girl gets here. I say it's because I wake up on my back and know I'm not supposed to be laying like that so then I have to re-adjust the pillows that surround my entire body and turn back on my side... and that's a vicious cycle that repeats alllllllllll night long.

Pregnancy Brain...Probably my biggest symptom!! Good brain has officially taken a vacation. I can't think of words, I say the wrong things, I forget stuff, I put awards in the recycle bin that I need for my awards ceremony, I get off wrong exits on the parkway, it takes me three tries to get to a restaurant I've been to a million times, need I go on?...I've been told it never returns...LORD HELP MY FAMILY  if that's the case! Yikes!

Cravings...Nothing crazy. I randomly made macaroni and tomatoes one day because that sounded delicious but other than that...I think all food sounds good at this point, except for chex mix. I ate a lot of that in the beginning and now the sound of that repulses me. I'd say stuff with tomatoes IN it has been a common joy of mine, which I'm not the biggest fan of tomatoes, so I guess that's weird? BUT salsa sounded gross at the beginning, so as long as it was tomatoes, but not in salsa...we were all good! Haha...did that make any sense, because I'm pretty sure I just spoke in a complete circle.

That's pretty much it. I'm just enjoying each day of this sweet baby growing inside of me, and I'm looking forward to the day she decides to meet us! I hope that I'm blessed to experience this again someday, but I know that's never guaranteed, so I'm just taking it a day at a time and relishing every moment...with my Faithful Redeemer by my side.

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