Cora Whitney Partington * 10/30/12 * 8:09 pm * 7 pounds 10.3 ounces * 20.5 inches |
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
This scripture would be the focus of my birth plan as I sought strength to bring Cora into the world. AJ and I decided that we wanted something different for our birth of Cora; we don't view birth or labor as a medical event so we wanted it to be as natural as possible. With that statement, that is purely how we feel about birth and do not cast judgement on how others perceive labor/birth...every mother has a right to choose what kind of birth experience they desire.
During the 9 months that we prepared for Cora, we focused on scripture seeking strength and guidance from the Lord and we prayed for God's will to be done in the arrival of our daughter. I've always felt that my struggle with infertility was my testimony of how God continually works in our life through ups and downs whether we recognize it, or not. I also felt, that once God blessed me with this pregnancy, that the birth of our daughter would be a continuance of my testimony. The birth of Cora Whitney Partington was the most amazing experience that I've ever encountered. The presence of the Lord was undeniable during the 39 weeks and 5 days leading up to the arrival of Cora, and the 13 hours of labor it took to get her here. With that being said...the following is my birth story:
When AJ arrived, I got in the bath to relax and we called our doula, Michelle Howell. I would highly recommend, if you desire a natural birth, to seek the help of a doula. Michelle taught us relaxation techniques and how to move the baby down using simple exercises. She also taught us the way God designed the labor process. She arrived about an hour later and I was continuing to relax and breathe through the contractions (which were about 3 minutes apart, lasting about 60 seconds). This was about 11:30-12:00ish. Contractions (which I was no longer in denial of now!) were getting more intense and we were managing them with massage, warm blankets, walking, kneeling, heat, etc. I got in the shower for about an hour and a half which provided the most relief. I tried to stay as relaxed as possible in between contractions and managed by breathing through one contraction at a time. It seemed like time flew by!
I've been asked, would you do it again...absolutely. I have no doubt in the Lord and His ability to provide for me when I need Him. Birth is a gift that women get to experience, and it's one I'm so grateful that I've been given.
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