Nov 23, 2011

Thankful 365 Days a Year

Due to the recent 30 days of being Thankful posts on facebook, I've been inspired to do a blog post. Sorry to the few of you who read my blog, I've neglected you because October is a crazy teacher month and I've been playing catch up!! Without further ado, 30 things (in no particular order) I'm thankful for 365 days a year:

1. God's Saving Grace - I'm underserving of God's love and patience. I'm so thankful to Jesus that I'll be spending eterntity in Heaven regardless of my shortcomings and faults. My faith gets me through the ups and downs...and I'm amazed at the strength God has blessed within me.

2. AJ (the hubs) - We balance each other out and are perfect for each other. While I encourage him to be spontaneous with life, he keeps me grounded. Also, he makes me laugh like nobody else can.

3. Family - We stick by and encourage each other, support one another, and celebrate milestones together.

4. Friends - It's important to have friends who will always be there for each other no matter what and who love you no matter how crazy you might be. That's the type of friends I have.

5. Alvaton Elementary School - How lucky can one be to go to a place she loves everyday, to do what she loves everyday, and spend her day with big and little people she loves everyday...AND it pays the bills.

6. Physical Mobility - When I hurt my knee and was physically restrained from doing anything, it was torture. It reminded me that I should get up and take advantage of my health. I'm so thankful to be able to workout and run and do what I want without my body physically holding me back.

7. Home - While the home we live in is not a mansion, it's a great place to start out and we've made it ours. I love my perfect home for just the two of us. (Four if you count the pups!)

8. Millie & Wrigley - My four legged children. They love me unconditionally and provide so much happiness for me. Yes they are just dogs, but to me they are important, they are a part of our family.

9. Broadway United Methodist Church - This church has turned into a home for me. We've formed relationships with people that will be long lasting and have become connected to God in a way I didn't know existed.

10. Education - My time at WKU taught me valuable skills that I utilize everyday. I'm really proud of myself for completing my second degree and might go back eventually to get my rank...MIGHT! It's the hardest I've ever worked. I'm also thankful for my ongoing education of being an educator. My kiddos teach me a lot about myself and humble me often. In addition, I love learning new techniques for my classroom, the day I stop having a desire to better myself as a teacher, is the day I need to quit.

11. Values - I grew up on a farm and played outside every day of every summer and didn't have to worry about the types of things this generation does. Growing up the way I did, taught me what's important and the type of person I want others to perceive me as.

12. Technology - My husband wouldn't have a job if it weren't for technology. I'm able to do a lot of things with a simple click of a button; the resources of the world wide web are endless.

13. Food - Good gracious...I love to eat. There are too many people in the world who do not know when their next meal will be and that breaks my heart.

14. The time with my lost loved ones - While my time spent with them was precious while on this Earth, I miss them. What a glorious day it will be when we meet again.

15. Diet Coke/chocolate/ice cream - Ahhh...they are my guilty pleasures so they deserve their own category.

16. The sweet innocence of a child - Everything is black and white and simple. It reminds me to slow down, and enjoy the things that are just that:  black and white and simple.

17. My doctor - He takes time to listen to me, and makes me feel valued as a patient. I feel completely assured that when my life is in his hands, I'll come out alive! haha.

18. Modernization - Where in the world would I be without a dishwasher, garbage disposal, indoor plumbing, and washing machine/dryer? I'd be dirty and would have digestion issues because I'd never go to the bathroom.

19. Hobbies - Blogging, crafting, reading, and scrapbooking are at the top of my list of favorite things to do. Bless the person who invented the cricut.

20. Bowling Green - I love living here! There's rarely a time I go somewhere and do not see someone I know, and that's okay with me. BTW...I get that from the Hendrick side of the family.

21. Traditions - Holidays and important events are more special and meaningful when you have specific traditions that you follow.

22. Adoption - When a person desires to have a child and isn't able...this process provides an opportunity to fill a void that can grow into an unfathomable emptyness. It forever changes a child to provide a life for them that otherwise wouldn't exist.

23. Freedom - What would life be like if we were told how and who to worship, what we could or couldn't say/do, and if free choice simply didn't exist. A lot of people have sacrificed many things for my freedom.

24. Soldiers - What honorable people. The sacrifices they've made are ones that I couldn't imagine making.

25. Peace - The most serene moment of the year that I'm so grateful for is when we sing Silent Night at church by candlelight during the Christmas Eve service. My faith in God is what brings me the most peace.

26. Being able to read - It amazes me how many people can't read. Not being able to read, would create the most helpless feeling in the world. Sometimes I can read all day long and be perfectly content. Chick lit is my fave!

27. Music - If I'm getting ready or in the car, my music is blasting. I love listening to Christian, county, and hip hop (is that what plays on WUHU?)

28.  Humor - Just laugh people.

29. Random acts of kindness - Do nice things for people without caring if someone sees you do it. God will see it. I wish to be more intentional in perfoming random acts of kindness.

30. My bed - Never in my life have I had to lay my head down in an uncomfortable spot for a night's rest, there are too many people in the world who can't say that.

This list could go on, I'm so blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

 Until next time...