I had the honor of standing up with one of my best friends as her matron of honor this weekend. We have been friends since our freshman year of college, 7 years and counting. Sheesh...it's been 7 years since my freshman year of college?!? That's a whole other blog topic. We became the best of friends quickly and this got me to thinking while I was in...you guessed it...the shower! Why is it so important for girls to have girlfriends? Don't use too many brain waves trying to answer that question, otherwise you'd blow my topic for this post.
We need girlfriends because we have to be able to complain/brag about our husbands. And share the really embarrasing things they do...things they'd never want to know we shared might I add.
They're the only ones who understand why we cry for no reason at all and don't contemplate having the looney bin on speed dial.
We can't possibly go to the restroom alone.
Bonding comes easily. Do the words shoes, clothes, purses, and accessories mean anything to you? Also, we can do this without conversating about any type of bodily function.
They provide support and understanding when no one else gets it.
We can complain about how we hate doing house work, how we wore two different shoes to work, and how nothing else went right that day without worrying about being accused of a Debbie Downer.
We can do any of the said things in the previous statement and they don't contemplate having the looney bin on speed dial.
A girls' night out helps you to forget about all your problems and just have fun...even if it is for just a few hours.
Who else considers just sitting and talking a good time?
Finally, we can make absolutely no sense at all, and they know exactly what we're trying to say.
So why do girls need girlfriends? Because we need to have people who can vouch for our sanity when they try to lock us in the looney bin.
Until next time...